Friday, May 13, 2011

Segmenting and Targeting Markets

Segmenting and Target markets deal with people or organizations, needs or wants, ability and willingness. Althoough alot of different type of segmentation help with thr process in which market to target such as demogrpahic and geographic segmentation, age segmentation defintly tooks its points plus on SONY. Age Seomentation examples include newborns, infants, young children, tweens, Generation Y known as teens, and young adults and finaly Geberzation x, kown as baby boomers and seniors. The PSP was made to target Generation Y consumers.

Consumer Decesion Making

Consumer decesion making are processes a consumer uses to make a purchase dcesions as well as to use and dispose or purchased goods or services; also includes factors that influence purchase decesions and product use. One thing that definitly allowed consumer to purchase the new relase of the PSP3000 was defintly its ffeatures. The features started whats considered to be a trend, "everyone's getting it...why not me?" This was all brought to attentions throught the use of external information. External informatin search seeks information outside the enviortment. The enviornmen in this case being SONY Corp. and the outside enviermtn being SONY's target maarket Generation Y.

Product Concepts

Product concepts is everything, both favorable and unfavorable, that a person recieves in an exchange, Product features include packaging, style, color, optins and size. The Sony psp is known as a consumer product. It holds its own uniquie style unlike the Nintendo Dsi. The product can also be comstumized as far as appliances and features. some people like to change the wallpapers, theme, layout, other even like to upgrade the harddrive. Not only are people playing games but watching movies, listening to music and acccessing the internet.

Developing a Global Vision

Sony headquarters was first establish in Tojyo Japan. Today sony headquarters are located worldwide. SONY has targteted copmanies such as Samsung, Toshiba, and Ericsson to form joint ventures. Through playstation is where the sone PSP was inspired. SOny companies not only manufactures with gaming devices but all types or electronics.SONY manufacutures, camera and camcorders, computes, t.v and home entertainment, mp3 and portable electronics.

Ethics & Social Responsability

Ethics and social responsability are the moral principles of values that generally govern the product of an indivual or group. In the year 1959, the founder of SONY Masaru Ibuka made the SONY FUNd for the promotion of sccience Education to support elementary Schools in the pursuit of science education excellence. Sony has also its Funds for Arts educatin,resources in the enviorment, fields such as music, film and photography. SONY funds also provide assistance in major distaters contributaing to a sustainable society.After the earthquake disaster that struck SONY headquarters in Tokyo Japan 3,000 employees remained over night, and also house hundreds or refugees from the surrounding Shinagawa.

Strategic Planning_SONY

Strategic plannning is the manegerial process of creating and maintaining a fit between the organizations objectives and resources and the evolving market oppurtunities. It touches up on business aspects such as customer values,realtionships,and most importantly teamwork. customer values meets one needs and value. For years handheld game devices have been out , weve seen the come and go, nintendo first started with the GameBoy, and soon Gameboy color, which lead to Gameboy Advance, the Gameboy Sp, the gameboy Ds Versions and the latest rlease on the Gameboy Dsi 3d. Sony deciced okay so obviouolsy hand held systems are making sales and home devices are now dropping so why not take from that idea and enhance it? Enhance it with what? Well the Sony brand PSP not only played vedio games, but had intertnet acces which allowed you to play online wireless. So instead of concentrating on the furure makings of the future playsations, sony focused on the first ever playstation portable also known as the PSP. Thus leading to te relase of a PSP2000, PSP3000 as well as the PspGo. Customers wnated more out of gaming devices and with the PSP Sonay made that possible.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Business Marketing_SONY PSP

Business marketing is the marketing of goods and services to indivuauals and organizations for purposes other than personal consumption. What does this mean? Well as some of you may know there are different types of product concepts, product features, and product usage. The two main ones however are consumer prdects which are used for personal use and Bsiness prodect which are used for business products only. The SONY PSP is considered as a consumer product. It is a hand held gaming device used to entertain one's personal satisfaction. Thouh the services it delivers howver may be considered as a business initiative. For example the SONY PSP allows one to have acces to the enternet, you can check your emails, stream vedios on it, and send and recieve devices. Thanks to the all new camera attachment skype is now acesible, talk about an upgrade.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Marketing Enviorment

Okay so here's where we look at the group of people willing to buy a firms product or as we marketers would put it, our target market. This process deals with identifying the market as far as enviormental management, component lifestyles and multiculturalism. Enviormental management deals with location as far as where it would be most convinient. SONY places its product in locations such as the mall. Deparment stores such as Target, Toy's R Us, Gamestop, Bestbuy and so much more. These stores are often located in a nearby locations, made affordable for both middleclass and highclass. As for multiculturalism the product itself is made and distrubuted aamongst other countries not only in the U.S. For example in my country Honduras you can purchase a PSP over there and buy the games there as well,but if i were to send a PSP bought here in NY and by a game out there chances are the game would not function well or not function at all. So my best bet would be to buy the PSP and the games all at once tha way I wouldn't have no problems with it. Talk about smart decesion making right?

Integrated Marketing Commmunications

Integrated Marketing commmunications provide consumers with goods and services, regardles of how they are provided, priced, or manfactured, promotion will not tak affect on its good and what SONY wishes, to achieve. SONY offers a one year product replacement plan for $19.99. If the product is damaged or is not working for some reason, you can get the product fixed or replaced free of charge. This communicatin process takes place through public relations in which costumer satisfaction is met. Another way SONY uses communication in order to reachout to its costumers is through advertising with the use of the media. Media entertainment such as T.V, the Radio, Flyers, posters, and even billboards and how can i forget to mention the internet. The fastest and most productive way t findout out about sales and informatin regarldes of the product or service. SONY has its own personal website where you can not only find out information on the PSP but other SONY manufavtured products as well. Sony's Target market for the PSP was mainly directed to teens, now everyone of eachother pretty much more or less owns a PSP or knows someone that does. As for the new realease of the SONY PSPgo, its target market was also for teens and young adults considering how good sales were with the release of the SONY PSP, however the outcome was not as greatly anticipated not many sales were made. I think it has something to do with the fact that the PSPgo is downloadable so in order to play its content you have to download it off the computer, where as the PSP you can simply purchase the game from any game store available.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sales Promotion_PSP

How to define the term salespromotion? Well in my own terms a sales promotion is another way of getting the customer to come to you and make them want to buy the product. It's a way of giving in in order to recieve in return. Some examples would be lowering the price on a particular product, discounts, having sales, giving out free samples, offereing benefits, warranty etc. Recently the Sony PSP has lower their price from $200.00 +tax to $129.99 +tax. The gaming system also included a 1g memory stick as well as a free game, it doesn't get any better then that. With prices such as thise it almost makes you want to buy two of them, I know if I had the money I would. Thats a lot of happy gamers out there. Not to mention the money being saved, who would want to miss out on that offer? Consumers consider yourself lucky. SONY, I hope you know what your doing!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ch.1(cont.) Mission Statement

Copy of the Mission Statement:
Sony is committed to developing a wide range of innovative products and multimedia services that challenge the way consumers access and enjoy digital entertainment. By ensuring synergy between businesses within the organisation, Sony is constantly striving to create exciting new worlds of entertainment that can be experienced on a variety of different products.

Above I have posted a copy of SONY's mission out in Europe, just because it is taken from another country and not here in the U.S its meaning does not change. As I have stated previously before SONY first orginated on Tokyo, Japan and now operates in over 43 countries( SONY manufactures services, devices and electronics to satisfies customers needs and wants as far as entertainment goes. Take the SONY PSP for example, the sony PSP features a large variety of entertainment all in one gaming device. You can play vedio games, stream the internet, load music, vedios and picture. If there are any nearby gamers with the new Ad Hoc (locaol) you can compete with any nearby players without the fustration of having to untangle wires. Ad Hoc Party allows you to compete online with psp and ps3 gamers almost anywhere. All this in just one device manufactured by SONY.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Brief History on Sony

In September 1945 Masaru Ibuka retirned back to Tokyo Japan after the war had taken place. He then began to establish a work place known at the time as Tokyo Tsushin Kenkyujo also known as Tokyo Telecommunications Research Institutes. He begain a small workforce paying off the employees with the money he had left in hi Savings. The institute produce factory reaired radios. After the war communications was needed so a high demand for the radios were needed. It was then Akio Morita came across his friend Ibuka and reunited with each other in Tokyo. Together the formed Tokyo Telecommunications Research Institute into what is now known throughout the world as Sony. They began by making home appliciances through electricicity that would be convienient and easy to use. For more information click on the link below:

New Company and produt SONY PSP

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

History of SouthWestAirLines

It took two people much like you and I to begin an organization so big that till this day stands strong and keeps on growing. 38 Years ago Rolling King and Herb Kelleher both decided why not make an airline that can get people to their destination on time all while having fun doing it. Who would have thought that what began as an idea among two men and a small Texas Airline back in 1988 would sweep the nation today.

Mission Statement:
The mission of SouthWestAirline is dedication to the highest quality of costumer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, indiviual pride, and company spirit.